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The Book

I still remember the first time I saw my book. It was a cool Autumn night. I was young still and out enjoying exploits mostly wasted on the youth. I was deep in the trancelike music in the air when I saw it laying there. What an odd place to see a book, I thought to myself. At first I was confused but never the less intrigued. A feeling came over me as if it had been placed there for only me to find. After working up enough courage to venture from my party I approached the book. I was drawn to it to say the least. With all its mystery, I wanted it. Wanted it for myself. I picked it up before anybody else had a chance to steal it from me. “ What are you doing here.” I whispered to it giving it a closer look. “Who do you belong to.” I asked again. Like a caveman to fire I could not take my eyes off of it. It was beautiful. The cover looked old but in very good shape. It had an essence of containing great knowledge. Binding that appeared as if it was just released . The cover, Blue velvet. I was in amazement that it had not been seen by the crowd of people that had been out that night. In a word, the book was “perfect”. Having been called back to my circus, I immediately put the book into my satchel and threw my Satchel over my shoulder where it stayed for some hours. Every so often I would peek inside to assure myself it was still there. Still with me. Finally, I could not control my curiosity any longer and excused myself from my endeavors. I could not wait any longer. I’ve got to get you home! I must read you! 



My heart raced the entire ride home. I felt the nervousness and anticipation of the lovers first night alone. When I arrived I quickly entered and gently put the book down on the night stand. “Give me just one minute book.” I said as I went to fix myself another drink. When I returned I noticed the cover had been opened. As if it was waiting for me. I was shocked at the sight and quickly began to look around the room and house. I was still alone. No open doors, no cracked windows. Just me here alone. No. Not alone. Me here and the book. I lost all gentlemanly discourse as I jumped into bed and swiped the book from the nightstand. My blood was pumping hot through my veins. I opened the cover to reveal the first page. I could barely contain myself. I turn and look down ready to dive into the blank white pages……Blank white pages? Why were there blank white pages? I don’t understand. How could this be? How could a book as beautiful as this be without writing? How could it have no story. I turned each page with little patience and page after page they stared at me with white eyes. My spirit sank as did my drink. Finally I closed the cover, sat on my bed and stared at it shamefully. "I’m sorry book for my behavior. I didn’t mean to act with such untamed passion. I promise in the future to treat you as the treasure I feel you are. If you only allow me to read your story. I will cherish it forever. I swear it. Each word. Each paragraph, no matter the story. You will be my one and only and most favorite book.” I admitted defeat with great sorrow and surrendered the book to the nightstand. I laid back down and fell asleep. 


I was awakened a short time later by urges that follow a man after a night on the town. After fulfilling my desire I came back to the bedroom and returned to bed when I began to hear a rustling. I sat in bed and studied the room, attempting to focus through the dark. “Who’s there?” I said, Hoping for no reply. Instantly, I thought of the opened book. Was there an intruder in my home? “Who’s there?” I said again. “Answer me!” I repeated. Still with no audience. Again I heard the rustling which caused me to turn on the desk light for a closer examination. I was thrown back when the light revealed the book open once again. Again, I looked at the first blank page. “Speak to me book. Share with me your story and I will share with you mine.” Again, there was silence. Thinking myself a fool and blaming this episode on a night of drunkenly mischief, I began to settle back in bed when again I heard the rustling of a page being turned. With haste I sat up to look and slowly began to see. Words! Words were being written right before my eyes. One by one words were being written as if a ghost hand were writing them itself. I cleared my eyes thinking I had finally gone insane but the writing continued. Line by line it revealed a paragraph. 


“This is the story of fated lives, a noble hero and his jealous wife. Though his actions brave and his spirit kind, his lover kept a watchful eye. She bought the curse that sealed her fate. One that is fueled by mistrust and hate. For if deceit befall her date, His soul be lost in history’s page but if his intention were to be confused the lover will trade and pay his dues. Until their story be renewed and the soul that hides within is true.” 


Just as I finished reading, the book exploded into a fury. Line by line and page by page the book was filled. I watched in disbelief as the book wrote itself. Up until, that is, the last ten pages. Those pages turned themselves slowly but no words were being written. Then finally when the last page turned, the book cover was slammed shut. Quickly, I grabbed the book and began to read its pages. It told a tale of a nobleman turned prince and the love for his princes. There were battles and demons. Magic and witches but most of all, it was about love. The love of two souls that were destined to be together and finally were. 


For three days I sat and read. I ignored work and friends until the book was finished. This story. These words. They were written as if they were meant to be seen by me. By only me. They were. This book is magic. My magic book. My secret book. My love. 


Weeks would turn into years after this night. Ten years to be exact and not one day would go by without me reading from my book. Each night I would continue from where I left off the night before. Each page blank until I gazed upon it. I would read of the prince and his valiancy. His courage to win the hand of his beloved princess. I would read his battles and victories. How he had finally defeated enough enemies to be allowed to marry the love of his life. Along with all the victories the prince had won only for his princess however, came the troves of admirers. From men of power to women attracted to power they would come to celebrate the brave prince and though the princess would never admit, She had become insanely jealous. So much so, she would venture off to the woods one day to seek the assistance of a witch and the witch she found. “ Make me a deal for gold witch, A curse that will fall upon my love should he ever be unfaithful.” She demanded. But the witch unsatisfied with the gold, tricked the princess. She forged a spell that was written at the head of a book. If the princess were ever to suspect the prince of infidelity, The princess would mark the book with her fingerprint of blood. 


“ There will be no gold paid now princess until the print is bold but if you’re wrong in your convictions, your payment of gold wont be alone.” The Witch chanted. 


The princess, blinded by her love of the prince and so fearful of ever losing him, took the book from her. “Take the book and keep it hidden only unto the time it is needed.” Said the witch. 


I would continue to read, always till the last pages. Each year hoping the empty pages would fill. Wondering why they never were. Still, every time I would open my book, the other pages will fill with its story. Ten years had passed in their kingdom and the prince became king and with him his princess queen and together they ruled happily. One day as the queen road back to their castle through the woods, she was stopped by a beggar. As the queen reached down to offer a gold coin, the beggar snatched her hand. “ Fifty pieces to be exact my princess.” She said, revealing herself to be the witch. The queen startled yelled back “ I never required the spell witch so no gold be paid!” She began to ride hard away, back to the security of her walls. “ The gold or the soul queen or I’ll claim them both!” the witch shouted in the distance. 


Sadly, this was always where the book came to an end. The last ten pages had been white as snow the last ten years and white they stayed. 


“Guess this is for tonight my loving book. We’ll start again tomorrow night.” I said closing the book and laying it back down on the nightstand. 


On the way home from work that following evening I was approached by a man. A vendor. He was a weird old man attempting to sell me merchandise. He had a crooked nose and was short and chubby. Politely I declined and tried to move on only to be stopped again by him. “ Please sir. My niece. She’s very sick and in need of medication. Here, take this book. It wont cost much and is very beautiful.” he said. I looked and admit it was very nice. The cover was made of green suede and the title embroidered in gold. I agreed to buy it being it was for a good cause and took it home. 


When I arrived, I walked into my bedroom and immediately tossed the new book on the chair next to my bed. I walked to my nightstand and picked up my book and opened it. I was confused. The writing didn’t appear. Just white pages. Over and over again, white pages. I placed the book down slowly. Stared at it for a minute and picked it up again only this time as I opened the cover , the pages began to turn themselves rapidly. So fast in fact the wind produced rattled the lampshade of the desk light. Quickly I put the book down. It had never done this before. Bewildered, I took a seat on the bed. This would be the first night in a decade the book had not revealed itself to me. The first time in ten years I would not read from it. Sad, I laid down and went to bed. 


A couple of hours later I was awakened by a rustling. Excited, I sat up on my bed and turned on the light but my book was still closed. Again I heard the rustling and turned my attention to the book I had purchased earlier that day. The cover had been opened. I got up from my bed and slowly approached the book, never taking my eyes off of it. When I came to the foot of the chair I noticed the writing inside. It had been written in gold ink. I glanced back at my book. Still closed. “ Well, I would hate to miss a night of reading.” I said to myself. I picked up the book and read the first lines. “This is the story of lies and deceit.” it read. I quickly realized this was not my kind of story but before I could throw the book back down on the chair I was startled by the commotion behind me. My book had thrown itself down on the floor and the pages began to turn back and forth so rapidly I thought the pages would fly from their bindings. I threw the green book down and ran to my book and picked it up. As I did the words returned to its pages quickly filling it once again until it arrived to the blank pages. Then the words started appearing. They would appear as I read. 


The night of the encounter with the witch the queen was in her chamber worried about the pact she had made a decade ago with the demon. She cursed the day and the deal and swore never to fulfill it. She was getting ready for bed when her maid appeared at her door. “ His majesty requests your company to greet his guest, my queen.” she said. It was odd to accept guest this late at night but since her love insisted, she agreed. When she entered the great hall she saw the king entertaining his guests. “ Ah, my love.” The king said. “Come , we have guests.” he said gesturing for her to join the company. “ This is the Duke from the lands outside ours to the west along with his lovely daughter.” The king said. “They have stopped on their way to visit their kin and are in need of a place to rest.” 


Right away the queen did not like the Duke. He was short and squatty and had a bad odor to him. His Crooked nose gave him the appearance of a ogre but since the king was insistent, she welcomed them. “ Come, let us have drink and food before we retire.” the King exclaimed. 



Together they drank and ate until their heart were contempt. The queen , now visibly tired excused herself to prepare for bed leaving the king to show his guests to their room. The king escorted his guests up to the room next to his own and saw himself to bed. During the night , the king woke to help himself to a midnight snack, which he was quite fond of. He made his way out of bed, not realizing he woke his beloved and went down to his hall to where to his surprise, the daughter of the duke was as well. “ Your majesty, all the way to our lands we heard the stories of your battles and chivalry. You are quite loved there by our people.” she said, throwing her arms around him tightly and delivering a kiss he could not escape. The queen, having heard her king get of bed followed him down the steps and to the hall just in time to witness the lovers embrace. The king finally able to release himself from the harlots grasps, turns to find his queen staring with tear in her eyes. She turns and runs for her chamber. The king turns back to the dukes daughter “ Evil whore!” he shouts delivering a blow and turning to run after his love. As he reaches the steps he hears the sound of laughter and as he turns he finds the body has vanished! He runs to his chamber finding it locked from the inside. He begins to pound. “ My love, It is a ruse!” he shouts. He runs to the chamber next to his to confront his guest the duke but finds the room empty. As if it had never been occupied at all. Quickly he runs back to his chamber and attempts to enter. The queen, in such dismay by the betrayal of her king removes a loose stone from the floor under her bed to reveal the book she had sworn to never use. “ I prayed never to find my love lost. Never to find you in the arms of another. Now you will be pay for your betrayal!” she cried, removed a pin from her hair and stuck her finger. She opened the book and placed her finger unto it. Leaving the crimson impression on it.


As the next page turned I began to see the impression of her finger, clothed in blood. I shook my head as to cry for her to stop but the print was already there. 


The King, finally able to pry the door open ran in to try to explain her mistake but upon entering he was thrown down by a thunderous wind. He shielded his face and eyes, able barely to see his bride, his queen, his love, with a tears in her eyes look at him. “I’m sorry my love.” she said. “I have betrayed you” again as she was picked up by the whirlwind that now engulfed the chamber and disappeared into the book in a flash of light. “ My love, No!” the king shouted as the wind died and the book slammed onto the floor. The king, slowly got up and ran to the book in disbelief. Slowly, the book opened and words began to write themselves telling the story of their lives, and the pact that sealed their fates. The king, reaching the last two pages and noticing them bare knew what he had to do. He could not live knowing the soul of his love. The woman that was fated to be his forever was trapped without him. He went to his bed and removed a dagger he kept by him for protection.


“ A thousand lives I’ll surrender until we meet again and our fate is changed my love.” With that, he pierced his heart and ended their story with his blood. 


I turned to the last pages and to my horror, I saw a splash of blood reveal itself. Then another, and another and another. I understood then that this had not just been a story. That this had been the book the princess had been trapped in. That from one body to another the queen had found the soul of her love only to be betrayed and tricked by the witch to suffer the same fate. That I , had been the soul of her fated love. I knew it too. I felt it. The love I had for this book. As if it was destined to be mine. Again, her soul trapped until she finds me again. As I stood in front of the book the pages began to turn to the first page, then started turning back to the last, each page becoming blank again. When it came to the last page I knew what I had to do. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and returned to the book. Now, I sit, here. Ready. “A thousand lives I’ll surrender until we meet again and our fate is changed my love.” I take the knife to my wrist and end our story in blood. As I begin to fade into darkness I hear the sound of my queen. “I’m sorry for my betrayal my love.” I’m so sorry.”

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